At almost every dental practice, the patient roster is in constant flux. Established patients change jobs and move away. Children grow up and go to college. Longtime patients stop coming in for checkups, for a variety of often unknowable reasons.
As a result, if you want your practice to grow, you must be continually trying to attract new patients, while attempting to reengage former regulars and get them back in your chairs.
But how do you do this? One way is to take it upon yourself to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy.
As part of this strategy, you would send reintroduction emails to coax former patients back into regular dental care — and your practice. You would build a strong social media presence and post several times a week. You would advertise in local publications and other media. And you'd take care of your online reputation by responding to all reviews, good or bad.
Clearly, marketing your practice on your own takes a significant commitment of time and money. What if you don't have it? More importantly, what if you don't have to?
One of the best reasons to join a dental network is the exposure you get to the carrier's insured patients. The insurance carrier makes you more visible to its insured members, with little to no effort from you and at zero additional marketing cost.
For example:
When searching for dentists near their home or job, insured members will find your listing and contact information in the network's provider directory.
In short, you get the kind of reach that's hard to get on any budget.
If you'd like to reap the benefits a dental network can provide, consider the Unum Dental Network, which includes nearly a million1 insured members eager to see professionals like you.
1 Unum internal data, 2022.