Strengthen your benefits package with supplemental health insurance

Easy-to-add coverage that steps up when major medical falls short

We're already working together to protect your employees from the potentially devastating costs of getting sick or hurt. But as health care costs increase, major medical coverage can still leave employees exposed.

Supplemental health insurance is a simple way to strengthen your benefits package.

The value of partnership

As a valued Unum partner, you can add these benefits without increasing complexity or administrative effort. When you trust us for a full range of financial protection and supplemental health benefits, you'll get the simple and seamless integrated benefits experience you've grown accustomed to:

  • Streamlined administration
  • Comprehensive benefits, service and support from a company you know and trust
  • One team of experts
  • Consolidated billing, coordinated enrollment
  • Single website and login to manage plans
  • Cohesive employee communication and education
  • Simple claims process
To learn more about how we can work with you and your broker to provide this type of coverage, schedule your complimentary benefits analysis. We'll assess the gaps in your coverage and recommend ways you can do more for your employees.

Even with major medical, the costs add up

When an employee has a health problem, deductibles and co-payments can run into the thousands of dollars, even with high-quality medical coverage. And that's not even counting costs like child care and transportation to medical appointments or lost income from missing work.

Here's how supplemental health coverage from Unum can help your benefits package go the distance:

Accident Insurance

When a kid breaks a leg, or a dad gets broadsided in traffic, expenses don't stop at the ER. Whether it's covering unreimbursed lab expenses or paying the babysitter during a follow-up appointment, Accident coverage can help by paying a lump sum employees can use however they wish.

Critical Illness Insurance

Strokes, heart attacks, and other serious illnesses (like cancer), can throw a person's life into chaos. Critical Illness Insurance can help soften the blow, by paying a lump sum that employees can use when their deductibles and co-pays mount up, if they have to travel out of town for treatments, or any other way they wish.

Hospital Insurance

When a hospital bill arrives in the mail, the result can be financial panic. Hospital Insurance can help employees breathe a little easier by paying a set amount for each day a person spends in the hospital or covered outpatient treatment center.

Insurance products are underwritten by the subsidiaries of Unum Group.