Articles and research

Below you’ll find recent articles by Unum business leaders, interviews including comments from Unum executives, and reports on research by Unum officials discussing topics of relevance to employers.
After injury and amputation, a return to the waves

Two years ago, severely depressed and immobile, David Conner longed for the life he once knew. In particular, he missed the ocean, and the joy of surfing the coastal waters off Hawaii. Today, David is a member of Hawaii’s adaptive surf team and a supporter of AccesSurf, which helps children and adults with disabilities enjoy the water.

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Hard-charging Unum customer overcomes near-death experience

On Nov. 17, 2015, Doug Elkins’ day began like many before it. The 64-year-old director of sales was in the office early, before many of his colleagues. He was getting his first cup of coffee when, out of nowhere, bam. The healthy, energetic and self-proclaimed hard-charger suffered a stroke, leaving him paralyzed on the right side and unable to talk.

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Customer story its going to rain so grab an umbrella

Roger V. started working when he was 8, mowing lawns and performing other odd jobs to earn a buck. His strong work ethic carried into his teens and college, where he paid his way through school. After graduation, he became a highly successful senior manager on Wall Street.

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